Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Screening of "The Greater Good" on Vashon, May 10th

FREE Documentary Film 
The Greater Good
Sat. May 10th @ The Land Trust on Vashon Island

If you have ever felt uncomfortable talking about vaccine medicine in your community, amongst family, or with your doctor...you are not alone. Much like birth choices, education and parenting, vaccine decisions are anything but simple and endlessly changing as science keeps evolving. For those who want to know more, trading and exchanging information with others is vitally important...even more so when we can talk with those who appear to be sitting across the aisle. Much like politics, while the media focuses almost exclusively on the 2% who express extreme views, most of us are smack dab in the bulging middle of that lovely bell curve...and most of us have questions that we'd like to have answered.

Join us for a respectful, moderated, and welcoming event...as we take a step toward regaining a Vashon-Maury Island where people can speak openly and honestly about vaccine medicine.

"Easy Potluck" means you are invited to bring a contribution, but if you cannot, please feel free to eat anyway. We have attempted to "stock the potluck," so all can break bread together.

5:30pm - Easy Community Potluck
6:00pm - Starting Conversation
6:15pm - Film Starts
7:55pm - Film Ends
8:00pm - Sharing Questions (guided group activity)
-----this is the official end of the event-----
8:15pm - Circle Up or Break Out Session (facilitated discussion)
-----this is for those who may wish to stay a bit longer-----
9:00pm - Event Closes & Clean-Up Commences