On Sat. May 10th, we successfully brought the documentary film, The Greater Good, to the Vashon-Maury Island Community. There were some significant pitfalls along the way, but with considerable support from fellow islanders, we are pleased as punch to say, "We did it!"
So, why did we do this? Because our goal, as questioners, is to encourage people to know what they are doing and why they are doing it, when they are making a medical decision. To "know" something, we must first "ask a question."
What follows was presented to (and received from) a room of 60+ parents, grandparents, soon-to-be parents, and non-parents who care or are also curious about the issue of vaccine medicine. Future posts will offer possible answers to these questions, but first, we simply wanted to present them as they were offered.
Welcome to our Question Brainstorm
The best result of this movie can be this:
Your brain is turned on and you have a thoughtful reaction.
One way, another way, another or another...doesn’t matter.
It’s the thinking that matters.
So...we have a website.
We will brainstorm questions that you now have, or came with, which you
would like to have an answer for...that you are driven to learn more about.
And we will post these questions, for further review, on our website.
From there...let the conversation continue.
Science Evolves.
So, let’s pay attention and learn together.
[Note: No answers or replies to questions are allowed during the brainstorm.]
So, my kids have vaccines and they are now deciding for their children...and I am wondering where I can learn more about vaccines so I can talk with my kids. HOW do I find out?
I’d like to know when additives were put into vaccines? From the beginning or when? History.
Where can I learn what is in each vaccine? What are the resources for this information?
So, I’m unsure of what the doctors gave my kids in the early 80’s. Now what are they giving? What are the changes over the past 30 years?
I want to know how I can find the ingredients of the vaccines put into my body in the early 80's.
In general...how have vaccines changed? Formula changes over the decades?
What do March and Karen wish to bring to the conversation which was not included in the film?
What are prominent theories about why we see adverse events in one person and not in another? Who is currently theorizing about this? Is anyone studying the issue?
There are detoxification strategies for mercury and other contaminants. What is the data related to injuries and detox methods? As in, a way to prevent or resolve reactions to toxins, or treatments we can use concurrently?
I'm curious about how we can use genetic screening in advance, to determine risk? Perhaps screening individuals based upon family history?
What issues to families face with regard to international travel and required vaccinations? How can we respond to real health risk factors when traveling internationally?
I'm curious about how the age demographic of disease has changed based upon the introduction and use of vaccine medicine.
I’d like to know more about the concept of herd immunity. How is it studied? What do we know now...how is this discussion evolving?
I’m curious if any groups advocating about information about vaccines have put together a repository of information for alternative treatments for disease? Where can we go? What research is already out there that offers an alternative set of options but perhaps isn’t easily available? Who has alternative information to share/offer?
What are the personal and community health risks for not taking each of the recommended vaccines?
What is the status of the development of the independent group that could serve as a firewall mentioned in the film? [This "firewall" refers to concerns about the "fox guarding the hen house" in our governing and regulatory bodies.]
Where can I find out how effective the vaccines actually are? How long do they last? How do we know? How do they test?
What is the status of research into the genetic connection to kids that develop an issue from the vaccine versus those that don’t? How can we screen? Who should or shouldn’t get a vaccine?
When you walk into an office, are you asked to sign a form to acknowledge that you have been informed of the potential risks?
So, recent cases of measles in Seattle...I’d like to confirm if most of the cases were in fully vaccinated individuals or unvaccinated? Also...New York/Measles & Ohio/Mumps...same question.
Is there any research being done into finding less harmful ingredients that will work in vaccines?
What are the best ways to communicate with people who completely disagree with you on this topic (million dollar questions)?
What are all these vaccinations for? Why so many?
Can you request from your doctor vaccines that don’t contain additives? What are the vaccine options out there? What about nasal spray versus intramuscular?
What is the relationship between immunological reactions to vaccines and auto-immune disorders? Or, specifically...what about the articles that the mother in the movie found that shows a link?
Can you identify on our website the journal articles used in the movie? (A: March is in personal contact with the makers of the film, so probably yes).
Where can I find more information on the risks of the diseases? Credible source that I trust. Weighing risks of disease vs risk of vaccine?
The movie suggests that if you slow down or space out or delay the vaccines...it would be safer or better in some way. Where can I learn more about this?
In light of the fact that vaccines are often made from tissues of animals, how can the manufacturer be certain that they are controlling the viruses present in the vaccine. For example, the SV40 situation.
Vashon has a low rate of vaccination compared to other places...do we have a corresponding rate of disease? And are our neurological issues tracked?
Are folks on our island, who are medical professionals, willing to engage or help us understand this issue better?
What do we do when, in reality, most people have neither the inclination, opportunity, nor ability to explore such a deeply complex and difficult subject?
What can we learn from veterinary medicine?